The articles published below neither provide advice or legal opinion to reader nor approach to the subject in a comprehensive way.
The Opportunity for Unconventional Hydrocarbons
Article written by Mariano H. Bernardi, published in Energía&Negocios -Yearbook 2020-, 17 th December 2020.
The article presents an analysis of the hydrocarbon legislation, economic aspects and public policies for the development of unconventional hydrocarbons in the Argentine Republic and the next challenges in the energy transition.
A road to Vaca Muerta
Article written by Mariano H. Bernardi, published Revista Argentina de Derecho de la Energía, Hidrocarburos y Minería -RADEHM- (Argentine Magazine of Energy, Hydrocarbons and Mining Law), 18th June 2020.
The article performs a legal economic analysis of the retrospective of the regulatory framework that promoted the development of the Vaca Muerta formation in the Argentine Republic.
Fundamental Principles in PPP Laws: A review of Latin America and The Caribbean
Published in Inter-American Development Bank, May 2019
Collaboration with the law firm Madrona Advogados - Brazil - in the analysis of the regulatory framework of the Public - Private Participation Contracts of Argentine Republic for the report "Fundamental Principles in PPP Laws: A review of Latin America and the Caribbean".
Energy policies and the challenge before the new paradigm
Article written by Mariano H. Bernardi, published in Energía&Negocios - Yearbook -, 1st January 2019.
The article presents the "circular" approach of the economy as a new paradigm of business, production and consumption within the emerging energy matrix.
The electric power market from renewable sources of the Major Users of the Wholesale Electric Market
Article written by Mariano H. Bernardi, published in Petrotecnia, Revista del Instituto Argentino del Petróleo y del Gas (Magazine from Oil and Gas Institute of Argentina), 1st. October 2018.
Analysis of the dynamics of the electric power market from renewable sources of the Major Users of the Wholesale Electric Market of the Argentine Republic.
Regime of Promotion to the Distributed Generation of Renewable Energy Integrated to the Public Electric Network
Article written by Mariano H. Bernardi, published in Energía&Negocios, 25th October 2018.
Law No. 27.424 declared of national interest the distributed generation of electric power from renewable energy sources for self-consumption and the injection of surplus electric power into the distribution network.
The new promises and challenges in the energy market
Article written by Mariano H. Bernardi, published in Energía&Negocios, 1st March 2018.
The end of the Economic Emergency and the Electric Emergency enables the normalization of the gas and electric markets, circumstance that would facilitate a transition path to a gradual liberalization of both sectors.
Renewable Energies: transition towards a mature market
Article written by Mariano H. Bernardi, published in Energía&Negocios, 1st December 2017.
The article analyzes the structuring process of the renewable energy market through the institutional framework, the regulatory framework, the infrastructure and the relationship of tariffs and subsidies.
Regulation of the Forward Market of Electric Power from Renewable Sources
Article written by Mariano H. Bernardi, published in Energía&Negocios, 17th August 2017.
Analysis of the regulatory framework of the Forward Market of Electric Power from Renewable Sources in order to regularize the buying and selling of electric power from sources of renewable energy to the Major Users of the Wholesale Electric Market through PPAs (Power Purchase Agreements).
Conversion of the matrix of consumption of electric power from renewable energy sources of the oil companies
Article written by Mariano H. Bernardi, published in Petrotecnia, Revista del Instituto Argentino del Petróleo y del Gas (Magazine from Oil and Gas Institute of Argentina), 1st. June 2017.
In the new scheme proposed by Law No. 27.191 – Development Scheme for the Use of Renewable Sources of Energy for the Production of Electric Power – the Major Users of the Wholesale Electric Market are required to comply whit goals required by regulation, including the oil campanies.
Procedure of the gas price adjustments pursuant to Law No. 24076 and its later evolution
Article written by Mariano H. Bernardi, published in Petrotecnia, Revista del Instituto Argentino del Petróleo y del Gas (Magazine from Oil and Gas Institute of Argentina), 1st April 2016.
Although the regulatory framework proposed by Law No. 24076 is currently in force, it has not been applied since 2002, which produced a price increase outside the framework law.
Microeconomic circle of credit and risk control
Article written by Mariano H. Bernardi, published in La Ley online (AR/DOC/2770/2015), 17th November 2015.
A first generic approach to the concept of risk when granting credit, which could occur when a bank grants a loan and suffers economic loss as a consequence of default in payment of such a loan.
Analysis of market flaws in the development and origin of subprime mortgages
Article written by Mariano H. Bernardi, published in Revista de Derecho Comercial del Consumidor y de la Empresa (Magazine of Commercial Law of Consumers and Businesses), La Ley, 22nd August 2014.
In order to expand the mortgage loan market, credit entities have granted credit to unrated individuals, which has altered the basic principles of risk reduction.
Price-Cap system and suspension of automatic update of the gas price
Article written by Mariano H. Bernardi, published in Petrotecnia, Revista del Instituto Argentino del Petróleo y del Gas (Magazine from Oil and Gas Institute of Argentina), 1st April 2013.
Price cap regulation is a system that regulates utilities and consists in the regulatory authority’s determining the highest prices. The Economic Emergency Law has diverged from this system.
The default process: legal and commercial analysis
Article written by Mariano H. Bernardi, published in Revista de Derecho Comercial del Consumidor y la Empresa (Magazine of Commercial Law of Consumers and Businesses), La Ley, 15th June 2012.
Description of the default process in Civil Law, Commercial Law and its specific provisions on commercial institutes and Banking Law and collection activity as a method of dealing with default focused on debt collection.
Corporate government and representation conflicts in the Ley de Sociedades (Corporations Law)
Article written by Mariano H. Bernardi, published in La Ley, 21st July 2010.
The Ley de Sociedades Comerciales proposes a solution to avoid or, at least, reduce the possibility of representation conflicts appearing, with their consequent associated costs, in the corporate government framework.